Saturday, September 29, 2012

Week ending 9/29/12 Govinda Kai

Monday  9/24 (no practice)
Woke up with horrible pain in my right hip and down right leg, nauseous and dizzy
I just returned from the Chiropractor and this is what he says...
Sacroiliac Subluxation on the right side causing piriformis to pinch the sciatic nerve
recommendation: Ice, Aleve, Rest, another adjustment chiropractic adjustment mid week
contraindications: forward folding, back bending, standing twists, seated twists
:( he took away my entire practice and on the week of Govinda Kai! I'm not even sure whether or not to come for lectures as I have such a hard time sitting, standing or being still for any length of time at all without discomfort and an upset stomach due to that discomfort.
Do I take rest? Do I practice gently? Do I cry...because I've done a little bit of that already :)
Tuesday 9/25 (shala)
practice was so wonderful this morning! Govinda said it must have been a miracle :)
External rotation of my thigh is still quite sore, I've chosen to stand at work rather than sit since sitting causes a great deal of discomfort to my lower glute and hamstring but I'm walking without hitting the floor or crying and that is great progress :)
Wednesday 9/25
"would you like to bind?"
Govinda asked me this question as I worked on my 3rd repetition of Marichyasana C
"every day" is what I silently said in my head but my response was something along the lines of "we can try"
and so we did :)
Thursday 9/27
Assisted drop backs out of the blue
good thing too because it happened too fast for me to be scared
Friday 9/28
Practice all week has been later than I usually practice. Starting at 8:30 means it is warmer in the room and the sun is up shining through the windows...both lead to more sweat. It also means I've had my morning cup of coffee. I read somewhere that Sharath has a cup of coffee each morning before practice as well, "no coffee, no prana." So I'm not sure which of the 3 factors are contributing to the added sweat but I likey :)

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